About the Webmaster

There's some quite argumentative stuff on this site, so I provide a few personal details here so that you can better assess what my prejudices are likely to be. (Well, we all have some, you know...)

Professionally, I'm a conventionally qualified medical practitioner who has over 40 years' experience of certain forms of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). Until my retirement in 1998 I was consultant physician at The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (formerly the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital), which is a National Health Service hospital and one of the main centres in Britain, and indeed the world, for the study and practice of unconventional medicine. Everyone who works there is convenrtionally qualified and conventional treatments are used whenever appropriate.

Temperamentally, I have strong leanings towards scepticism about many things, including, perhaps surprisingly, much of the current enthusiasm for alternative medicine, which seems to me to present many of the features of a belief system, something I deplore. (More about this here)

This site isn't only (or even mainly) about medicine. I've always had numerous interests outside medicine and this explains why you'll find a lot of writing here on topics quite unrelated to my professional background. This applies particularly to the book reviews, which reflect a pretty wide range of eclectic reading over more than half a century. In other words, I'm a self-confessed generalist.

Please also see my recently published books for further information.

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