Vim – how to avoid hjkl confusion in Insert mode



Are you a Vim user? Do you like to use the hjkl keys to move the cursor in Normal mode, like me? If you do, perhaps you’ve experienced the annoyance of forgetting that you are in Insert mode, only to find something like hhhhh or kkkkk appearing on the screen instead of the expected cursor movement. I have to admit that this still happens to me, even after many years. How can it be avoided?

Vim experts advise that you should stay in Normal mode most of the time; it should be the default. I agree, and I do try to remember to do this.  Another idea, which I’ve tried in the past, is to make key mappings such as Alt+h and Alt+l  to move the cursor in both Insert and Normal modes and disable the defaults. But then you’ve lost the simplicity of the one-key hjkl which was the main reason to go down this route in the first place.

The solution I’ve adopted is based on <>. Here is the code I’m using in .gvimrc with a dark colour scheme (Murphy). (The last character in the bottom line is a zero.)

set cursorline
autocmd InsertEnter * highlight CursorLine guifg=white guibg=grey25
autocmd InsertLeave * highlight CursorLine guifg=white guibg=red
set guicursor+=n-v-c:blinkonO

This gives a light grey cursor line in Insert mode which stand out on the dark background but not too starkly.

Insert mode

In Normal mode the cursor line becomes red.

Normal mode

I use the default cursor, which is block in Normal mode and 25% in Insert mode. Both are white; I’ve set the Normal mode cursor not to blink.

I find that this set-up acts as an effective reminder of which mode I’m in.

How to make a sitemap.xml for a medium-sized site

Revised 31 October 2020

In the past I’ve recommended various ways to produce a sitemap.xml for free but all of them ceased to work after a time. However, I do now have a solution which has worked well for about a year. See:

This allow you to make three large sitemaps that work perfectly.

For WordPress I’ve installed a plugin which provides a sophisticated sitemap.xml system which seems to be working well (google-sitemap-generator.4.1.0).

How to avoid problems with Vim undo & redo

Starting with Vim 7.0 this brilliant editor introduced a more powerful set of commands for Undo and Redo, using an undo tree. Being lazy, I didn’t fully get to grips with this and as a result didn’t really understand what I was doing. At times I accidentally deleted text I’d just writtenjjjk and then couldn’t recover it.

I knew the previous version of my work had to be there but I didn’t know how to get it back. After a time I realised that when things seemed to go wrong the solution was usually to use ‘g-‘ and ‘g+’ to go hack and forth in the undo tree.  But this was a bit hit & miss.

If you have had a similar experience here are a couple of useful site where things are explained clearly; Undo and Redo and Using Undo Branches.

Finally, thanks to a third page I now know why I occasionally deleted work I’d just done and couldn’t recover it. See Recover from accidental Ctrl-U. This explains why it happens  and provides a way to recover the deleted text. Better still, it tells you how to prevent it happening in future. Short cut for the impatient:  put these lines in .vimrc:

inoremap <c-u> <c-g>u<c-u>
inoremap <c-w> <c-g>u<c-w>